Thursday, January 26, 2006

Conservative Singapore

Singapore is a highly conservative society. In this essay I'll not be wasting precious space to describe how conservative it is. Instead, what I wish to suggest is that Singapore's conservative culture is an extremely stable and deep-rooted one, to the extent that this country will still be as conservative as it currently is even in 60 years' time. In other words, I predict that there will be no social change in this particular aspect of society as long as I live. I'll be focusing especially on the way society thinks about 'expressions of sexuality', and sexuality itself.

Do not be deceived by the apparent signals of decreasing conservativeness in society. Things like Sexpo and Crazy Horse may make people feel as though Singapore is finally becoming less prudish. But do you really believe that there will be a day when Singapore allows magazines such as Playboy to be sold in Singapore? I do not think so. Censorship of the print media and online media will continue to be strict for the foreseeable future. So, to the extent that there are clear and unambiguous limits that cannot be crossed, the suggestion that society is somehow 'opening up' may cause people to think that this 'opening up' shall proceed in a teleological and linear fashion. Such guesses are overly optimistic and do not to take into account the ways in which powerful brakes exist in Singapore to halt the unbridled development of Singapore into a totally permissive society.

It is sometimes said that there is a silent majority in this country, which is an extremely moral bunch of people. While I do not know the exact size of this group of people, my wild guess is that they amount to at least 60% of Singapore. Naturally, the older generation will be conservative. The younger Singaporeans are split between the conservative, the not-so-conservative, and those who have never thought about this question or issue. Do a rough calculation based on some estimates and you might arrive at the same percentage as I have: the not-so-conservative group is a minority group in Singapore, amounting to probably only 10% of the total population!

Thus the Singapore in 20, 40, or even 60 years' time will still be the same old Singapore. Playboy magazine and that company's website will continue to be censored, and society at large will continue to support strict censorship. No doubts about that. There are two philosophies supporting this form of censorship by the State. The first is that pornography (both hard and soft porn) corrupts the mind absolutely, and will therefore convert most Singaporeans into lust-filled monsters who ought to be quarantined immediately. It is assumed that total chaos will follow and this pristine moral paradise will then be reduced to Fourth World status from the fighting, fires, rapes, molest cases, and a whole series of crimes due to the pornographic magazines and their close cousins. Why do you think the scene where Kate Winslet appeared nude in Titanic was cut? To those in charge of censorship, there is no such thing as 'forms of nudity' or 'nudity for artistic purposes'; there is only one monolithic category of 'nudity' which is equated to pornography and to the notion of 'evil'.

The second and more fundamental belief is that anything related to the enhancement of sexual attraction and desires or serves as a form of sexual expression is inherently bad. I'm not surprised because Singapore rests upon a system-wide perpetration of a 'wholesome' image for the sake of attracting tourists, foreign talent, and investors, and this overall country image can only be sustained when the circulating discourses, practices, and products (e.g. magazines, television programmes) are all equally wholesome. In fact, even married couples are not spared from the pressures that this subtle moral culture exerts. As an exaggeration, they might even hear some ghostly voices telling them that sex is at best a necessary evil (even for married couples!) It is a practice that is tolerated here only because it has the positive externality of churning out the next generation of workers. Once the goal of reproduction has been achieved, this evil practice shall promptly be discontinued, for there is no longer any reason why a person needs to touch his or her spouse. True or false?

Now, do I need to place a disclaimer to say that I am obviously writing rhetorically in the above paragraphs? Please don't take the sentences literally...What I want to say is really this: that Singapore will always be conservative. And the proxy that I have used in this short essay is the censorship of expressions of sexuality. Sex, lust, intimacy, and liberal attitudes, according to the invisible moral majority, must not be tolerated in our squeaky clean, no-nonsense island. One can only wonder whether local married couples are exempted from such moral injunctions, and whether it is a bad thing to be intimate with one's spouse after the national 'duty' of childbearing has been discharged.


Blogger Lam Chun See said...

I am afraid I have to disagree with you. Just reading the blogs on your link list convinced me that this generation is so very different from the previous.

Fri Jan 27, 09:37:00 AM 2006  
Blogger Bernard Leong said...

Every generation has a different set of ideals and values compare to the previous. Take a simple example, the perceived value of success in the past Singapore compare to the present. In the past, my parents tell me that I should go through the following route: secondary school, junior college and then university, then pick a subject in the following order: medicine, law, engineering and then down the chain, finally find a job in a good company that guarantee you an iron rice bowl. Such things do not exist today, because the economic realities are different today as compared to yesterday. You are seeing younger people taking up the entrepreneurial route compare to the past.

I agree with you on the values which you believe should uphold for Singapore, but I don't think that you can impose your values. It's like this, if you ban something such as pornography, you create a mystery for the rest of the people, which subsequently lead to more people searching for it.

That's my two cents worth.

Sat Jan 28, 12:23:00 PM 2006  
Blogger ruoxin said...

i digress. happy Chinese new year! *woof*:)

Sun Jan 29, 02:18:00 PM 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I was always tickled by how R(A) movies are not allowed to be screened in the HDB heartland but that porn VCDs were heartily snapped up in HDB pasar malams by 'conservative' Ah Pehs in the only slightly exaggerated image of Talkingcock's Lim Peh Ka Li Kong column.

Sun Jan 29, 11:59:00 PM 2006  
Blogger Merv said...

Singaporeans like to admit, and think its proper to be conservative.

But whether their real actions, are, are debatable.

I might like porn, gamble like mad, go bintan. But I sure as hell won't admit to it.

Mon Jan 30, 12:31:00 AM 2006  
Blogger Heavenly Sword said...

Happy New Year, everyone! :)

Good digression, Xin ;)

Mr Lam: I do agree that this generation is less conservative...However, it's the 'official culture' that I think would always be conservative, even if 'behind the scenes' the culture is changing...and this is actually related to what Merv says...

Merv says that even if Singaporeans are actually not (or have become less) conservative, they will never publicly admit it. Because of the fact that they will always verbally SAY that they prefer to be conservative, it's very hard for the societal culture as a whole to change. This concern for 'face' will exert a powerful force that maintains the status quo, since nobody and no organizations will ever dare to step out and say that it's time to be less prudish.

BL: What you say is true: if policymakers treat it as such a big deal, it will become a big deal...I guess Singaporeans will generally faint when they see porn, cos they do not have the 'immune system' in place... :]

Zyl: VCDs in HDBs estates? Where?? How come I didn't know??? :] (Don't get me wrong, I'm not planning to buy, of course...) :]

Mon Jan 30, 09:24:00 AM 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Happy New Year to you and your family! For those who dare not admit visiting porn site and try to appear as conservative as accepted by others. Do you call them coward or conservative?

Mon Jan 30, 06:49:00 PM 2006  
Blogger Wormie said...

Singaporean just likes to think themselves conservatives. In actual fact they are not. Just go to Orchard Rd and see for your selfs - you will have people walking around in various 'states of undress' ;)

Anyway, do you know that the youngest registered for an abortion is 14 yrs old? And she is not unique.

How to be very conservatives?!

Wed Feb 01, 10:40:00 AM 2006  
Blogger Gilbert Koh aka Mr Wang said...

Aha. There is a difference between private morality and public morality.

Private morality is what you really think and how you really behave, when no one is there to observe you and you won't be caught and you are really free to do as you really want to.

Public morality is what you think you should be thinking and doing and saying, when you are publicly asked or required or expected to think or do or say something.

Public morality and private morality are poorly correlated. They can even conflict directly, or co-exist in some ambiguous grey soup.

For example, a school principal may object strenuously to students bringing pornographic materials to school, but have his own porn downloaded in the privacy of his own home.

Yet it is not necessarily a matter of hypocrisy. The school principal, if he were to truly scrutinise his own values, may discover that he indeed sincerely believes that students should not bring pornographic materials to school, AND that there is nothing wrong in his own personal behaviour regarding porn at home.

Furthermore, private behaviour is not necessarily less conservative or prudish than public morality.

For example, a teenager may not consider it a horrifying sign of the decadent times that so many teenagers have abortions, yet at a personal level may herself refrain from sex until marriage.

Thu Feb 02, 11:35:00 AM 2006  
Blogger Heavenly Sword said...


Jessica: Good question...! I'm not sure, actually. Maybe 'strategic'? Haha :)

Wormie: Ah...those you see are already the minorities, I think. :]

Mr Wang: Interesting distinction (which should indeed have been made in my essay)! I agree with what you said...It seems that my essay was more about the 'public morality' aspect....

Fri Feb 03, 11:04:00 PM 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

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Thu Apr 26, 04:18:00 PM 2007  
Blogger amaterasu said...

As a Westerner (Europe), I strongly disagree to your so-called ideal of a more liberated society as regards sex. More open sex, "liberated" women with overtly sexual dress, behaviour, etc. has not led to happiness here, believe me ! Porno, playboy, has no way liberated women (nor men), rather, let them feel more inadequate and insecure - "how to be a sex fantasy for him/her and how to look like it ?" sort of concern. In our so called "free" society, pedophile scandals are blowing out more and more to the surface. Rape, criminality including sex, domestic violence towards women has no way diminished, quite the contrary according to recent surveys. Obviously the "liberal" , open and free stylepolicy towards sex going on for three decades now has been a total failure (at least has failures) here in the West. Let not be sex therapists, psychologists, even sex-aholic (like for alcohool) detoxication therapy is no more a rare thing. Open your eyes and minds guys, do you really want Singapore society, conservative (what is wrong with that exactly ?) become like what's gone to extremes in the West, so-called more open and free society ? Sure, there should be a balance between too conservative and too free policy. But thank you no need for Playboy and the sort. Absolutely no need ! Cherish your women and learn to like reality, not stereotypes !
Here in the West, in big cities and even smaller, the "open and free society" has led to more and more insecurities and incivilities all over. Get back to real life, men, and learn to cherish and protect your family, wife, husband and children.
I as a Westerner, would love to live in a society where I do not have to be frightened my kids get kidnapped by some brainwashed pervert any day ! Obviously, next step after woman-object is child-object here... Here in Switzerland there has been another scandal blowing out recently as regards child pornography (a more and more common matter unfortunately) at one national radio, including people at high levels. One guy, informatician saw the files, got even depressed after seeing those pics, and has denounced it, first internally then to the public. What do you think happened to him ? He was dismissed (for denouncing what he should denounce) ! Now he is doing a sit-in, even hunger strike as a protest ! Do you want Singapore society become like that ? If you open up for more outward sex, playboy, pornography and the like, don't be surprised of the results then ! Because demand and offer, where is the limit ? More offer, more demand, more demand, more offer... endless. Don't you know sex (per se) calls for sex as blood calls for blood ? Sexuality is too beautiful a thing to be treated lightly, or in a distorted way. I have lived in Japan for a while. In a way, looks much like the West, postmodern society, population getting old, fewer kids. AND porno everywhere, very easy to see/access. I would say you have to be blind not to see it. Also a huge human trafficking with women prostitutes coming from other parts of Asia (but also inland). I wouldn't call it a paradise as for family, man/woman relationship is concerned. Truly, one thing to be noticed, anywhere in the postindustrial, postmodern societies, rich countries with a liberal policy on sex, is that "modern plagues" go along as : family dismantel (less kids also), more women and men insecurities (self-esteem problems, sexual problems), rise in criminality including sex, rising in any kind of perversion : most outreagous one being pedophily (child sex) (think about charter flights from the West flying to Thailand or other places in Asia to "buy sex" with prepubescent kids (boys or girls).
I am tired of the prison made onto us with the socalled "liberal sex" ideology. Guys think twice !

Thu Aug 14, 11:15:00 PM 2008  
Blogger amaterasu said...

As a Westerner (Europe), I strongly disagree to your so-called ideal of a more liberated society as regards sex. More open sex, "liberated" women with overtly sexual dress, behaviour, etc. has not led to happiness here, believe me ! Porno, playboy, has no way liberated women (nor men), rather, let them feel more inadequate and insecure - "how to be a sex fantasy for him/her and how to look like it ?" sort of concern. In our so called "free" society, pedophile scandals are blowing out more and more to the surface. Rape, criminality including sex, domestic violence towards women has no way diminished, quite the contrary according to recent surveys. Obviously the "liberal" , open and free stylepolicy towards sex going on for three decades now has been a total failure (at least has failures) here in the West. Let not be sex therapists, psychologists, even sex-aholic (like for alcohool) detoxication therapy is no more a rare thing. Open your eyes and minds guys, do you really want Singapore society, conservative (what is wrong with that exactly ?) become like what's gone to extremes in the West, so-called more open and free society ? Sure, there should be a balance between too conservative and too free policy. But thank you no need for Playboy and the sort. Absolutely no need ! Cherish your women and learn to like reality, not stereotypes !
Here in the West, in big cities and even smaller, the "open and free society" has led to more and more insecurities and incivilities all over. Get back to real life, men, and learn to cherish and protect your family, wife, husband and children.
I as a Westerner, would love to live in a society where I do not have to be frightened my kids get kidnapped by some brainwashed pervert any day ! Obviously, next step after woman-object is child-object here... Here in Switzerland there has been another scandal blowing out recently as regards child pornography (a more and more common matter unfortunately) at one national radio, including people at high levels. One guy, informatician saw the files, got even depressed after seeing those pics, and has denounced it, first internally then to the public. What do you think happened to him ? He was dismissed (for denouncing what he should denounce) ! Now he is doing a sit-in, even hunger strike as a protest ! Do you want Singapore society become like that ? If you open up for more outward sex, playboy, pornography and the like, don't be surprised of the results then ! Because demand and offer, where is the limit ? More offer, more demand, more demand, more offer... endless. Don't you know sex (per se) calls for sex as blood calls for blood ? Sexuality is too beautiful a thing to be treated lightly, or in a distorted way. I have lived in Japan for a while. In a way, looks much like the West, postmodern society, population getting old, fewer kids. AND porno everywhere, very easy to see/access. I would say you have to be blind not to see it. Also a huge human trafficking with women prostitutes coming from other parts of Asia (but also inland). I wouldn't call it a paradise as for family, man/woman relationship is concerned. Truly, one thing to be noticed, anywhere in the postindustrial, postmodern societies, rich countries with a liberal policy on sex, is that "modern plagues" go along as : family dismantel (less kids also), more women and men insecurities (self-esteem problems, sexual problems), rise in criminality including sex, rising in any kind of perversion : most outreagous one being pedophily (child sex) (think about charter flights from the West flying to Thailand or other places in Asia to "buy sex" with prepubescent kids (boys or girls).
I am tired of the prison made onto us with the socalled "liberal sex" ideology. Guys think twice !

Fri Aug 15, 12:49:00 AM 2008  
Blogger amaterasu said...

As a Westerner (Europe), I strongly disagree to your so-called ideal of a more liberated society as regards sex. More open sex, "liberated" women with overtly sexual dress, behaviour, etc. has not led to happiness here, believe me ! Porno, playboy, has no way liberated women (nor men), rather, let them feel more inadequate and insecure - "how to be a sex fantasy for me and how to look like it ?" sort of concern. In our so called "free" society, pedophile scandals are blowing more and more to the surface. Rape, criminality including sex, domestic violence towards women has no way diminished. Obviously the "liberal" , open and free stylepolicy towards sex has been a total failure here in the West. Let not be sex therapists, psychologists, even sex-aholic (like for alcohool) detoxication therapy is no more a rare thing. Open your eyes and minds guys, do you really want Singapore society, conservative (what is wrong with that exactly ?) become like what's gone to extremes in the West so called more open and free society ? Sure, there should be a balance between too conservative and too free policy. But thank you no need for Playboy and the sort. Absolutely no need ! Cherish your women and learn to like reality, not stereotypes !
Here in the West, in big cities and even smaller, the so called open and free society has led to more and more insecurities and incivilities all over. Get back to real life, men and learn to cherish and protect your family, wife, husband and children.
I as a Westerner, would love to live in a society where I do not have to be frightened my kids get kidnapped by some brainwashed pervert any day ! Obviously, next step after woman-object is child-object here... Here in Switzerland there has been another scandal blowing out as regards child pornography (a more and more common matter unfortunately) at one national radio, including people at high levels. One guy, informatician saw the files, got even depressed after seeing those pics, and has denounced it, first internally then to the public. What do you think happened to him ? He was dismissed (for denouncing what he should denounce) ! Now he is doing a sit-in, even hunger strike as a protest ! Do you want Singapore society become like that ? If you open up for more outward sex, playboy, pornography and the like, don't be surprised of the results then ! Because demand and offer, where is the limit ? More offer, more demand, more demand, more offer... endless. Don't you know sex (per se) calls for sex as blood calls for blood ? Sexuality is too beautiful a thing to be treated lightly, or in a distorted way. I have lived in Japan for a while. In a way, looks much like the West, postmodern society, population getting old, fewer kids. AND porno everywhere, very easy to see/access. I would say you have to be blind not to see it. Also a huge human trafficking with women prostitutes coming from other parts of Asia (but also inland). I wouldn't call it a paradise as for family, man/woman relationship is concerned. Truly, one thing to be noticed, anywhere in the postindustrial, postmodern societies, rich countries with a liberal policy on sex, is that "modern plagues" go along as : family dismantel (less kids also), more women and men insecurities (self-esteem problems, sexual problems), rise in criminality including sex, rising in any kind of perversion : most outreagous one being pedophily (think about charters from the West flying to Thailand or other places in Asia to "buy sex" with prepubescent kids (boys or girls).
I am tired of the prison made onto us with the socalled "liberal sex" ideology. Guys think twice !

Fri Aug 15, 12:49:00 AM 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree with your article, this country is too conservative.

As a samurai practicing the art of sword, I have been subject to eyes that lack an openness of difference.

The people of our country should really fight for the absolute freedom of individual expression.

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